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Calamus Root Sweet Flag Dried Herb Wholesale Price 50g-30kg

Calamus Root Sweet Flag Dried Herb Wholesale Price 50g-30kg

Calamus Root Sweet Flag Dried Herb Wholesale Price 50g-30kg

Calamus rhizome - aphrodisiac and herbal medicine? Calamus is a frost-resistant plant that occurs mainly in swampy areas. It has many valuable properties. Formerly, it was considered not only a great herbal medicine, but also an aphrodisiac.

Calamus rhizome is rich in, among others, essential oil, mineral salts and organic acids. Regular consumption of calamus rhizomes has a positive effect on stimulating the secretion of gastric juice, improves the absorption of nutrients and optimizes digestion. It is also believed to have a diuretic effect and to restore normal intestinal peristalsis, thus preventing flatulence and food retention. The calamus rhizome has a calming effect.

It is stronger than lemon balm or valerian. In addition, it also has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. One product - many applications. The calamus rhizome is used in both the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Some people find chewing calamus is helpful in quitting smoking. We can also use it as an infusion with a bactericidal effect. It is prepared by pouring boiling water approx.

200 ml of crushed calamus rhizomes - about half a tablespoon - and leaving it to infuse for half an hour. It is recommended to consume the infusion in the amount of 1/4 cup 2 times a day, half an hour before eating. Introducing an infusion of calamus rhizomes into your daily diet can ease digestion and have a calming effect.

The decoction applied externally to the scalp has anti-dandruff and anti-inflammatory properties (it helps fight seborrheic scalp inflammation, among other things) and prevents excessive hair loss. The use of this form of treatment is very simple - it is enough to gently rub the infusion into the washed scalp and hair.

Additionally, the decoction used in the form of a gargle and mouthwash is bactericidal. Another way to use the calamus rhizome is to make a tincture. For this, we need about 10 grams of calamus rhizomes, which should be poured with half a liter of spirit and left for 3 weeks. Then it is recommended to take 30 drops of tincture (with water or sugar) 2 times a day. The calamus rhizome is used for relaxation baths.

Adding the infusion to the bath makes you feel fresh and warm. When taking medications or other herbs on a permanent basis, consult your doctor about consumption of calamus rhizomes.

Additionally, it should not be used in case of allergy to calamus rhizome, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children under 12 years of age. You should also remember not to exceed the recommended daily dose.

Calamus Root Sweet Flag Dried Herb Wholesale Price 50g-30kg