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Dandelion Dried Leaf Tea Wholesale Price 50g-20kg

Dandelion Dried Leaf Tea Wholesale Price 50g-20kg

Dandelion Dried Leaf Tea Wholesale Price 50g-20kg
Dandelion leaf - a natural and proven way to support digestion and the liver. On the one hand, dandelion is a common weed. On the other hand, it is a medicinal plant that has a good effect on our liver and more. This small herb, visible all year round in meadows, lawns and gardens, has characteristic jagged leaves, yellow flowers that turn into dandelions when they bloom, and a strong root that grows deep and is difficult to remove. Every part of the plant can be used as herbal raw material.

Fresh flowers are used to make honey, which improves immunity, similar properties have dandelion leaves and roots. The plant contains flavonoids, triterpenes, tannins, organic acids and mineral salts.

It is worth finding out and trying out what effect dandelion has on the human body. The properties of the herb are as follows.

Supports the secretion of bile and gastric juice. Has an antispasmodic effect on the digestive and urinary systems. Supports the detoxification of the body. Stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. Contains inulin - a valuable natural probiotic. Anti-inflammatory, helps fight bacteria, viruses and fungi. It is also a source of choline and asparagine - substances important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Who should include dandelion in the diet? Most often, dandelion is used for digestive problems, as well as in the absence of appetite.

Due to its beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, it should be used by people whose organs are less efficient than before e. Due to age, diet and lifestyle or hereditary burdens.

For a general, comprehensive strengthening of the body, it is also worth reaching for tea from this herb. It favors the mobilization of natural defense forces to fight infections. In addition, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, dandelion is also used to relieve rheumatism and joint pain. Dandelion in the form of leaves works great in the form of herbal infusion.

A tablespoon of herb is best to pour a glass of boiling water and strain after about 10-20 minutes. This infusion should be drunk 1-3 times a day. The taste of dandelion is bitter, so you can sweeten it with a little honey.

Dandelion Dried Leaf Tea Wholesale Price 50g-20kg