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Savory Leaf Dried 100g-10kg

Savory Leaf Dried 100g-10kg

Savory Leaf Dried 100g-10kg

Savory leaf - discover the spicy notes of this slightly forgotten spice. As is commonly known, savory is a spice plant but also used in herbal medicine. It comes from southeastern Europe and Turkey. Savory was already cultivated in ancient Rome, where it was very popular.

Today, we also often use it in our kitchen, but it has given way to other popular spices such as basil or oregano, which have become very deeply rooted in Polish cuisine. Savory leaves - why is it worth using when preparing your favorite dishes? Due to its numerous properties, savory quickly gained recognition among people who appreciate the variety of flavors in their cuisine.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows it. It is worth making friends with savory and including it in your diet because. Wonderfully improves appetite in children and elderly people. Is used to eliminate the symptoms of sclerosis.

They have a good effect on the digestive tract, soothing irritations, and have antibacterial properties. They have anti-putrefaction and anti-fermentation properties. It is also used in veterinary medicine. Savory leaves can be added to dishes while cooking or baking them. When in contact with water, the herb will expand and release its aroma.

It goes very well with meat, mainly red, e. Savory is also an ideal addition to fish.

It is worth adding that it works great as an ingredient in salads, which taste much more expressive in its presence. Savory leaves can also be successfully added to soups and sauces, instead of other herbs - lovage or marjoram. It can also be used as a marinade ingredient to keep the meat in the fridge overnight. Savory leaves can be added to dishes straight from the package.

You can also crumble them before adding them, depending on your preferences. Do not fry them for a long time, as they will burn and turn bitter.

It is best to add it to cooked and baked dishes, where the leaves come into contact with water - thanks to it, they release their aroma. Savory leaves should be stored in a closed container to prevent them from losing their scent.

Savory Leaf Dried 100g-10kg